O'hio Liquor

Ohio Liquor (OHLQ) controls distribution of high-proof liquor across Ohio. To celebrate the largest-ever shipment of Irish spirits to Ohio for St. Patrick’s Day, we brought some Irish wit into play and temporarily renamed OHLQ to O’HLQ for the month of March. This temporary brand transformation affected each and every place the brand showed up from the website to social to in-store and more.

Dulles International Airport

Dulles International Airport

If you love to travel, you have your reasons. And any reason is reason enough. That simple notion is at the heart of our "Because Reasons" campaign. We leveraged seasonal planning and situational triggers to give well-calculated nudges to those considering a trip. We personified Dulles as that fun friend you want to travel and hang out with. Nostalgic travel poster-style illustrations from artist Pietari Posti romanced exotic destinations, and were paired with vintage-looking luggage tags. We encouraged all of DC – wherever they happened to be – to bust out their passports and go. And it has proven endlessly adaptable to different audiences and situations.

MACtion Speaks Louder

MACtion Speaks Louder

The majority of the college sports world is all talk right now. The Mid-American Conference – the MAC – is not the majority. The MAC is different...because of something called MACtion.  MACtion is a phenomenon that's hard to define and easy to get caught up in. It's about saying less and playing more. We tapped into the passion that is MACtion to bring the MACtion Speaks Louder campaign to life with original music. Original lyrics. Sound you can feel. So while the sports talk world drones on, we say, "Shhhh."

Jimmie Johnson Tribute

Jimmie Johnson Tribute

We gave fans a way to be there for Jimmie Johnson during his final NASCAR season, because retiring during a pandemic year meant he wouldn’t get the farewell tour he deserved from his fanbase. We put out the call for #JimmieTributes on Instagram and Twitter, then created micrography art from those heartfelt words. The art made its way onto a full-page USA Today ad, a billboard, a video, multiple social executions and a NASCAR.com takeover. All of this work will be displayed soon.

GMC Yukon

GMC Yukon

My partner Dave Muller and I went to Dubai to work on a pitch for GMC Yukon in the Middle East. With the help of the talented team at FP7 McCann, we came up with the two directions that went to clients, one of which won the account. Classical Arabic Poetry is an art form practiced by many in the Middle East. Many poets actually write about their vehicles. We found that GMC Yukon devotees had written many odes to its power and luxury. This inspired us to use that truth, those words, as the basis for our campaign idea. Below you'll find the pitch video that won the account followed by what it evolved into when the FP7 McCann team produced the launch spot.